Saturday, December 10, 2011


Yo peeps what is the story  I'm here for another post but this time tis not about the same standard of shit you've come to expect from your's truly.

Yes it is indeed that time of year where we become more and more false, that being said it is indeed to be expected from a holiday stolen from my ancestors by Christianity but enough of that windy bollocks.

I just want to wish everyone the very best this holiday season for as predicted it will get much more strenuous for people of a certain financial situation like me this coming year.

the government have decided to cut unemployment benefits by around €30/40 which leaves me with next to fuck all to live off, my sister a soon to be single mother will be earning less.

But I want to keep things as happy as possible this post around, IT'S GONNA BE YULE IN 15 FUCKIN DAYS.

Just want to give a shout out to my closest friends on the facebook and the google +  YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING AMAZING where ever you are reading this stand up and take a bow for being such great peeps.

Well I'm gonna take off and pass out in a ditch right now (copious amounts of alcohol were consumed during the composition of this post). so good night and keep well guys

Friday, December 2, 2011

It seems that racism is alive and well in England

This really sickens me, it seems that in the 21st century that good ole fashion down home  racism is alive and well in London.

Are people still so fucking ignorant to pull this bollocks; and she was in this instance clearly the ethnic minority.

A man you might have heard of once had a dream that all people black and white were created equal under the eyes of god (yes he was a Christian but he is an idol of mine none-the-less).

If MLK was still alive today and was on that train he would be shocked and appalled to see that woman.

I guess the rehtoric she was spouting can be seen in every metropolitan city in the world; a person who never even thought to look for a job; who contributed nothing but expected it all. OF FUCKING COURSE she would blame minorities for the state she is in.

Now I never claimed to be the most tolerant person in existence but I will never be that intolerant to start off in a bus/train/tram packed full of non nationals, hell I've got friends who are foreign nationals and the common complaint they have black or white is that the scumbags like yer one in the video blame them for the crisis in the economy.

I'd like to say that that is bollocks.

Apart from the minorities targeted by this clearly mentally unwell bitch I feel sorry for her kid if she was like that at home I can only imagine that when her kid is my age he would be all mad(see the photo to the left).

Why wouldn't the social services pay that insane bitch a visit because clearly that is an obviously unwell environment for a child to grow up in, but the father is more in question than the woman herself.

well that's all for me I'll check back later

peace out