Saturday, January 28, 2012

insert generic angry political title here

I was just leafing through the Limerick post and saw an item in the courts section that really made me sit up.

It seems that one "Garry Carroll" a former legal exec in town was arrested for stealing 260 grand from the law firm which he was a clerk at, even better was that Mr Carroll used the money to "feed a gambling addiction".

With people in this country struggling to break even in these uncertain times I find this disgraceful.

Of fucking course if you open a mortgage account worth €170,000 and move a combined total of €143,000 people will fucking notice, but this is to be expected after all it was the big lawyers and business men of Celtic-Tiger era Ireland who put this country on the slippery slope into the septic tank.

It's also worth a mention that the most enlightened thing that Mr. Carroll had to say for himself was oops "I fucked up".

Embezzlement is not a laughing matter and I was shocked then to read on and find out that the right honorable Judge Carroll Moran handed out a "three-year" concurrent sentence, WHAT A FUCKING JOKE, there are people getting put away for small public order offences for longer than what this tool is getting.

I think people like this man who royally bum-fucked Ireland into a depression (let's face it we're no longer in a recession), need to be taken out the back of the police station and shot repeatedly in the face.

However apathy will stop people from being angry about this; I on the other hand think this song sums up an appropriate punishment for these people.

There seems to be no suitable alternative to taking these people out behind the wood shed and kicking the shit outta them.

I'm gone for now enjoy my slightly more right-wing-than-usual rant

and as always keep well guys

Saturday, January 21, 2012

great day today

I normally have a lot of pics on my posts but not today. I was in town today chillin out with some of my friends when I decided to split and go look for one of the other lads that I was meant to be meeting up with today. I'd no sooner passed a department store in town trying to send off a text message when suddenly I was face to face with a person who was clearly in the depths of heroin addiction.

It was all fine and good he asked me for a euro and I gave it to him.

Then the fun stuff starts, he tells me he was in a car crash in Limerick a few weeks ago and was just out of the hospital number of 20€ notes withdrawn: 1.

He then proceeded to tell me how his brother was in a victim of a knife attack up the country and he needed money to help raise funds to put him to hospital. 

Number of €20 notes withdrawn at this stage:2

Keep in mind I wasn't sure if he had a knife on him or anything I didn't even know whether or not I was going to be attacked regardless of if I gave him the money or not so I couldn't have ran away.

Any way the outlandish shit just kept on coming and coming until the fuck head walked away with 4 of my hard earned 20's, needless to say I went to the police and told them I was a victim of a pan handler but the Irish police in their infinite wisdom said I gave it to them of my own free will.

Now yours truly is not the kind of person to  belittle addiction, we all have our demons mine is the fags (Which since Christmas I have managed to quit), but this guy took the fucking piss; I know that people who get into hard drugs like heroin may have been decent and well to do people, but seeing this guy today made me really rethink that statement.

I have no problem giving a homeless person €2/3 for a cup of tea and a sandwich but when this guy who was probably on welfare came up to me like that I mean I know my money has just been spent on fuelling his addiction.

People who are dependant on such things are not in my own humble opinion fit to be on the streets any where in the world. People like that man who keep on taking and taking and taking and never once giving something in return.

The statistics for money spent on putting one addict through a course of rehab is a fucking joke. Those junkie fucks might put on the "I've changed my act I'll never shoot up again" face but in reality they get out they use again and more tax payers money gets shat out our fucking arseholes trying to get these muppets "clean".

That's all from me tonight.

Keep well everyone